The problem we faced was money. Having no job, I had been dependent on a monthly medical disability check from my job in California. We had everything ready for the trip to Birmingham, but needed the check for gas and food for the trip. We prayed that the check would arrive in the mail that day and were waiting expectantly for the mailman to make his delivery.
At about 10:30 that morning we heard the mailman walk up the steps of the house and lift the lid to the mailbox, and then close it. As he made his way toward the next house, we cautiously checked the mail. We hopefully went through each piece carefully, but no check. We were disappointed, but said to each other that we would just have to put off the trip.
Then the doorbell rang. When I went to the door, the mailman was standing there. He said that when he got to the neighbors house, he realized that he had missed a letter for us. He said that this kind of thing rarely happens, but he wanted us to have it right away. There was the envelope that held the check. We praised the Lord and made ready for the trip to Birmingham.
We had been stunned by this event. It had never happened before or since, not to us. It is as if the Lord wanted to see if we were willing to give up the trip and still trust him, without grumbling or complaining. It was this trip that turned out to be the next phase in our journey. Birmingham became the birthplace of our daughter, Jennifer, who was born four months later. Birmingham also became the place of ministry for me for the next nine years. Birmingham also became the rich soil in which our family roots took hold and helped shape our lives for years to come.
All because the postman rang twice.