The traveler started home thinking of his great fortune and all that he could buy with it, but while the pearl was heavy in his hands his heart was still heavy as well. After several days he returned again to the wise man’s hut. Placing the pearl in front of him the traveler said: "I no longer want this pearl, but I do want to know what you have inside of you that allowed you to give it to me without a second thought."
Like that traveler I also have much to learn, but I still hope to one day live like that wise man. I hope to give without a second glance. I hope to share without a single thought of myself. I hope to make my own life a gift of love to everyone in this world. That, I believe, is how God wants us all to live. We were not just put here to follow the Golden Rule, but also to live with Golden Love. We were not just put on this world to follow God’s commandments, but also to become more like God ourselves. The greatest pearl of all lies in our own souls. May we all find it, cherish it, and then share it with everyone we meet.
Author: Joseph J. Mazzella