For example, the ancients who attempted to fly by strapping feathered wings to their arms and flapping with all their might as they leaped from high places invariably failed. Despite their dreams and hard work, they were fighting against some very powerful forces of nature.
No one could be strong enough to win such a fight. Flight became possible only after people learned to understand the relevant natural laws and principles that made flight possible—the law of gravity, Bernoulli’s principle, and the concepts of lift, drag, and resistance.
When people designed flying systems that recognized or harnessed the power of these laws and principles, rather than fighting them, they were finally able to fly to heights and distances that previously were unimaginable.
“When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. And swing!” Leo Buscaglia
Courtesy of the “Howe Herald.” Reprinted from Grace Drops, Volume 6 (2008).