1. Personal encouragement – Time and again people have stopped to tell me how much a particular Grace Drop has meant to them. They are stories that can be enjoyed, applied, and shared with others. Some help us to appreciate simple pleasures of life and others teach valuable lessons. All are meant to be encouraging.
2. Small group devotional reflections – I have worked in settings where I needed to have a brief time of reflection to inspire and encourage my fellow team members. These stories are just the right length and are non-specific so that all may get pleasure from them.
3. Motivational – One of the recipients of Grace Drops was a sales manager and used them to motivate his team. Many of the Grace Drops are ideal to enhance and build better interpersonal relationships.
4. Family – Use Grace Drops with children to teach moral and life lessons.
5. A Personal Example – I was invited to speak to a group of lay men and women at a local church about "spiritual care of the sick and shut-in." There were about 15 to 20 men and women gathered in the classroom. As a part of the lesson, I used one of the Grace Drops, "A Piece of Cake," to emphasize the participants’ own uniqueness and their special ministry. To emphasize the point, I placed a small slice of pound cake in front of each person without telling them why. At the end of the lesson I read the Grace Drop and told them that they could now eat their piece of cake. The combination of the encouraging story and the tasty object lesson drove the point home. It was a great way to end the session.
6. Contact us with stories of how you have used Grace Drops.
© 2003, John C. Fitts, III. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted from Grace Drops, Volume I (2003).