Heading north in the left turn lane, at least three cars sat with their turn signals on. There was a little clearance as the first car entered the path of his car and headed west. The second car, a black SUV, followed the first one and a small alarm went off in his head as he thought, “That guy is cutting it a bit close.”
What happened next was almost a blur. In sudden disbelief, he saw the third car, a red Camaro, begin to pull into his lane to make the turn. In an instant he knew that there was no way he could either stop in time or swerve to miss the impact. Futilely he yelled to the sight ahead of him. He slammed the brake pedal and braced for the air bag to slam him. As he made impact he felt himself pitch forward and then back. All was still. There was no air bag. He was conscious, but the wind knocked out of him. He noticed people coming toward him, one talking on a cell phone.
Someone asked, “Are you O.K.?”
He sat in the seat and said, “No.”
By the following morning he was on the way home from the hospital. He had been checked thoroughly with X-rays, blood workups, CT scan, EKG, and a night of observation. The only damage was a chest that hurt when he breathed, especially deeply, or moved very much. His emotions at times were overwhelming at the thoughts of what could have happened.
By the way. I was that driver. Good to be back.
© 2007, John C. Fitts, III. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted from Grace Drops, Volume 5 (2007).